I have been searching for an as-free-as-posible SBC for some time. I own:

- Beaglebone Black
- Beaglebone Green
- Beaglebone Green wifi
- Olimex Lime
- Olimex Lime2
- Raspberry Pi 2
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Odroid C2
- Raspberry Pi Zero
- Banana Pi
- Orange Pi plus
- I have ordered an Eoma86

I have been using Debian (standard comes with non-free activated), Arch, Bananian, Armbian, Ubuntu Mate, Angstrom and Raspbian on these boards. What is the deal with the Banana Pi? Is it any good from a "free" point of view? I know it is far from free but what is the closest thing we can get not including the Eoma86?

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