The simple fact is, while I don't know everything about him, and while there may be people who know him better,

my understanding is: he is good, he hates sin, he knows every hair on our head and beyond better than we do...

the bible is extremely complex if you have ever read revelations and that part shows me anyways, that we cannot

comprehend someone so complex... to be honest, he can use even evil motives against themselves. trump may be his

answer to waking up the people to how bad the republicans have gotten.

Although I digress, my main thoughts as to why he is omnipotent is he created all of humanity and everything else.

he is peace and love all in one. But, in the way of a perfect parent. reward is one side of the coin for those

who are good. and punishment is for those who are bad.

Love has these two things, reward and punishment.

as for why he is almighty, he can do the impossible. many people with near death experiences talk about the light at the end of the tunnel. and other things that are unknown to most.

I hope this helps you understand why I believe in him. as for why, I support GNU/linux also, when most of my faith don't know or don't care or for those few who do hate it,

it is because for me it is a way to keep corporations and government from getting too powerful. for me anyways...

I know some would call me an oddball, but hey... not sure what else to say.

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