Well, no surprise here, but I like i3wm. Why? Because:
-it's keyboard driven. I can forget about the mouse for most tasks
- the config file is plain text (with some specific syntax), not a complex programming language (though it's needed to be aware of hidden space or other unwanted characters etc.)
- Mostly no icons or complex theming to take care of.
- dmenu (though I added xfce appfinder to visualize a standard menu when needed. It also works with keyboard only). - Tiling. I rarely resize windows, putting two windows side-by-side is automatic. I can switch to floating a window when tiling isn't so practical.

Else, for use with a mouse, I like Openbox with tint2 (the way Crunchbang was configured, basically). I liked :
- the classic menu than can be opened from anywhere on the screen.
- Easier to make it look nice (less clutter/useless stuff)
- also very lightweight

But now it's i3wm.
Most of the features can be found in the other DEs with some plugin maybe.
But the best thing about i3wm is nearly no mouse use by default. And lightness/minimalism one step further than XFCE/LXDE.

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