Adfeno, Thanks for this, I adventured into ImageMagick for the first time. Fun.

Re..."Note 3: Please replace the lines starting with "/home/adfeno" to the
full/absolute path to the images that you want to edit. This can be done
by selecting all of then in file manager (default for Trisquel is
Nautilus), copying them, pasting in a text editor, and this should give
the paths you want to copy again and paste in the area I just described."

Where exactly? I did select all - copy - paste into text editor but what next?

I was not able to get a while read -r loop to work so I ended up replacing the variable "$each_original_image" with an actual image name (path I suppose, but I ran the command from the same folder - convert testImage.jpg -scale "854x1280" "{testImage.jpg}").

And does the final < in your script belong there?

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