Russia, for one, is waging a very effective campaign to destroy our unity and trust and exploit our resulting vulnerability. I just put the term 'Russia's new warfare' in because I remembered reading of a Russian general who had outlined much of this new type of warfare (Hybrid Warfare). I haven't yet found that reference (possibly, Vladislav Surkov) but the amount of information searx brought up is substantial and illustrative. Destroying the people's trust in their govenment and institutions is one of the objectives in this type of warfare.

Which unity? The USA always tries to find new enemies. Before it was communism, and now it's Russia. The trust in the governments is not destroyed by an external "enemy" (as some people say), it is detroyed becouse its government doesn't serve the people, but the corporations.

Assange seems to assist, President Trump too.

If Assange was in the USA, they would kill him. Assage is against the oligarchy that Trump and Hilary represent; Wiki Leaks serves transparency to the public, nothing more. Why do you say that Assange assists Trump?

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