@kelsoo cheers for you video !

Hello aitor ;-)

I have installed Guinos, both times your repos are not working for me, i have to enable Devuan repos.

Added to the "/etc/apt/sources.list" file the following lines:

deb http://packages.gnuinos.org/ jessie main
deb-src http://packages.gnuinos.org/ jessie main

Imported the public key :

curl http://packages.gnuinos.org/gnuinos_pk.asc | apt-key add -

I presume this is some ISP blocking the pipe somewhere ;-)..

Have you tried Heads ? https://heads.dyne.org/about.html , any contact with this similar and very promissing project ?

It would be great that Devuan include Icecat in it's repos too ;-)

Thank you

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