It would be a mistake to make the perfect the enemy of the better. I won't say that Patreon is good, but there currently isn't any better alternative for making it easy for people to give me monthly donations without entrusting me with their credit card information.

If a similar service without JavaScript requirements becomes available, then I will switch over. But until then, temporarily and conditionally accepting an unacceptable circumstance for the purpose of advancing forward is better than insisting on absolute purity and getting nowhere as a result.

Or put another way: I am asking you to make a personal sacrifice in the hopes that this will help improve something about our sitution (in this case, libre games) in the future. That sacrifice is some of your liberty, because Patreon requires proprietary JavaScript code embedded onto a Web page. If this is too big of a sacrifice for you, I fully understand. In that case, I hope you will consider sending Bitcoin to my public Bitcoin address (bitcoin:1Ko772jMW2ZDXaPT4Pi9VYi8612eSXCxfU). However, please also appreciate that one-time donations such as this are not easy to sustain and cannot properly replace my day job, for example.

Other than replacing Patreon, one thing that you could do if you are familiar with JavaScript (I am not) is develop replacement scripts for Patreon. You could probably use Greasemonkey for this.

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