as i understand the proposal is to add a new separate distinct communication channel - that would surely be counter-productive

some issues would be discussed on one channel while other issues would be discussed on the other channel - worse than that, the same issues would be discussed on both channels but with some opinions being expressed on only one or the other so overall, such an arrangement can only hinder communication - in order to be fully in the know, one would need to follow both channels

i do agree that this forum is not appropriate for developer discussions but the following channels are already in place for that purpose:

* the #trisquel-dev IRC channel (for real-time communication such as weekly meetings)
* the trisquel-devel mailing list (for proposals and longer discussions)
* the gitlab issue tracker        (for in-progress feature progress)

the #trisquel-dev IRC channel for example, is essentially dead - this indicates to me that the trisquel dev community is very small indeed and so splintering communications is a terrible idea

also it should be pointed out that, as i understand, this user forum is actually a mirror of the trisquel-users mailing list - so surely the devel mailing list could be mirrored as a forum also if that is desirable for some folks

so it would seem that the proposals such as drupal and mattermost are merely to fill the desire to play with fancy new web-based SAAS toys - i see no benefit to those over traditional "tried and true" channels that are already in place - if the intention is sincerely to improve communications then my suggestion would be to spend less time in a web browser and more time in the IRC channel

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