At this point, I'm just enjoying Belenos. Devuan wasn't as difficult as I thought when I needed modern Ruby for a quick task and I'm sure my 9 year old and I would be just fine on it if we absolutely had to have new shiny.

I've virtualized Flidas and am looking forward to trying it on a spare hard drive since there's a reason to now (double checking the libreboot docs, not just amusing my own self) but agree 100% with Loldier about not rushing things.

I momentarily thought about putting vanilla ubuntu on a not technically interested friend's laptop and then trisquelizing it when Flidas was released, but he is perfectly happy with Belenos so I made the right decision. The next friend is getting Belenos too. In the circles I run in, gratis and safe are more important than bleeding edge.

There are plenty of PPAs out there too if you need the latest release for some particular reason.

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