Hi GD_Scania, I'm guessing from this post, as well as your comments on other threads, that English is not your first language. Good on your for making the effort to learn it so you can communicate with more people. However, I really have no idea what this post is about. Can you repost with more context, links, and clearer explanations of what you want us to understand?

>> I have proudly announced an GNU OS and build system project for commerce >... our GNU wiki has told that GNU Ada language is a beneficial free software commerce, they dnt sell sources or binaries but sell LTS contracts. > But my business model is, the only rolling system and build service are sources-based only and gratis, like the Ada language offering sources and binaries by gratis. > But 2 editions of LTS systems are, sources-based edition not needing payments and worries of hardware architectures, but needing knowledge to handle sources. > Finally there is a paid and binaries-based edition of my LTS system, specific for embedded hardware systems, like the Ada language selling LTS contracts. > For EVERY editions you dnt need to worry for licenses which every nonfreeware are needed to be excluded, for what we are required to be an GNU system.

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