IceCat doesn't show up under 'Add/Remove Applications' but is in the repository. You can install it from Synaptic Package Manager, or in a terminal$ sudo apt install icecat

If you are using Trisquel 7, Thunderbird is called Icedove. Again, it can be installed from Synaptic Package Manager, or in a terminal$ sudo apt install icedove

In general, if you don't see something in 'Add/Remove Applications' that you suspect should be there, check Synaptic Package Manager.

If by Tor you mean Tor Browser, it is indeed not in the repository. Users of Tor Browser need to receive updates immediately and simultaneously, regardless of which distro they use, to ensure that they have identical browser configurations, preserving anonymity. Download Tor Browser directly from

After downloading the tar.xz file, find a good place to extract it. I have a directory in my home folder called Applications for applications like these. After extracting, you now have ~/Applications/tor-browser_en-US (~ is your home folder, equivalent to /home/[your username]). You can delete the tar.xz file now.

Enter ~/Applications/tor-browser_en-US, double click 'Tor Browser Setup', and it will turn into 'Tor Browser'. You can now double click that to launch Tor Browser, no need to install.

If you would like Tor Browser to show up in menus alongside your other applications, you'll need to create a desktop file$ sudo nano ~/.local/share/applications/tor-browser.desktopcontaining[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tor Browser
Exec=/home/[your username]/Applications/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser Icon=/home/[your username]/Applications/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/browser/icons/mozicon128.png
Categories=GNOME;GTK;Network;WebBrowser;In the paths following 'Exec=' and 'Icon=' replace '/home/mason/Applications' with wherever you extracted the tar.xz file. You might have to logout and login again before Tor Browser starts showing up in menus.

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