I was curious to see if Purism had started conflating this with their non-free hardware yet. They don't yet mention the FSF endorsement, but I had forgotten just how slimy they are.


No mention of the fact that only the OS is free. They don't even disclose what BIOS it uses. (Last I heard it was Coreboot.) And I love sentences like these:

"Every hardware and software component—and everything we do—is in line with our belief in respecting your rights to privacy, security, and freedom."

They don't say "Every hardware and software component respects your rights to privacy, security, and freedom." because that wouldn't be true, but unless you read very carefully that's how you would interpret it.

"The first 15.6″ laptop designed to protect your digital life" is great too. Let's act like this product is the first of its kind because similar products have different dimensions.

"Purism Key: A powerful key to search your computer and applications" It's literally just a WIN key with a rectangle on it instead. Not a freedom issue, but come on.

"Every hardware chip individually selected with emphasis on freedom-respecting"

Again, they don't say "Every hardware chip freedom-respecting" because that wouldn't be a true, but if you didn't know anything about Purism and had no context you'd read it that way.

"Comes with the most rights-respecting operating system" Pure OS is FSF-endorsed, but how is it *more* rights-respecting than other FSF-endorsed distros?

"The first high-end 15″ laptop that respects your privacy, security, and freedom." Here they start to border on explicitly lying. "Respects your freedom" to many people has a specific meaning that does does not apply to this product.

The end. No where in the entire page do they disclose that this is not a libre product, and every sentence is carefully crafted to mislead the reader into thinking that it is. What a scam.

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