> No, their laptops are not perfect now, but please show me a place where they state/imply that they are.

I already have. The page I linked to


implies that the laptop has no freedom issues as strongly as possible without making any explicitly false statements. The language tows the line so carefully that it is obvious that the intention is to mislead. If you didn't know anything about Purism you would almost certainly interpret this page has saying that the laptop is libre.

In order to find out what BIOS it uses, you have to click "compare specifications with our other models" which is the last thing on the page. That takes you here,


and the second to last thing on that page discloses that it uses coreboot. Even then, their wording is "Say goodbye to proprietary BIOSes, say hello to coreboot," clearly implying that coreboot is not a proprietary BIOS, when they know that it contains proprietary blobs.

You'd have to be deliberately obtuse to argue that Purism is honest.

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