My 'video_players' field looks a little different, even though we are using the same version of youtube-viewer (3.3.1). Copy/paste that field to a text document so that you can undo this if it doesn't work, and then replace that field with this:

                                           mplayer => {
arg => "-prefer-ipv4 -really-quiet -title *TITLE*",
                                             audio => "-audiofile *AUDIO*",
                                             cmd   => "mplayer",
                                             fs    => "-fs",
                                             srt   => "-sub *SUB*",
                                           mpv => {
arg => "--really-quiet --title *TITLE* --no-ytdl",
                                             audio => "--audio-file *AUDIO*",
                                             cmd   => "/usr/bin/mpv",
                                             fs    => "--fullscreen",
                                             srt   => "--sub-file *SUB*",
                                           smplayer => {
arg => "-close-at-end -media-title *TITLE* *URL*",
                                             cmd => "smplayer",
                                             fs  => "-fullscreen",
                                             srt => "-sub *SUB*",
                                           vlc => {
arg => "--quiet --play-and-exit --no-video-title-show --input-title-format *TITLE*", audio => "--input-slave *AUDIO*",
                                             cmd   => "vlc",
                                             fs    => "--fullscreen",
                                             srt   => "--sub-file *SUB*",

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