>Is there an easy way for you to share your about:config?

Well, I can describe my procedure, yes.

>You use Debian, right? Perhaps they've done something differently from OpenSUSE either in their build of Firefox or elsewhere in the distro?

Yes, although I am not talking about Firefox ESR packaged by Deb devs but the tar you download directly from the Mozilla website.

As the mate Joe points out and I could not agree more a user should not spend incredible amounts of their time into figuring out how to make their browser privacy decent. Third party cookies anyone? Phoning home to google constantly because of muh security? That is indeed huge bullshit. I agree with (was it?) Lunduke when he says Mozilla is nothing else but business. Open sores business. Fact is, their browser is the best worst choice we have right now. I mean, you can use lynx for your browser if you want only text but year 1986 is long gone, unfortunately.

I prefer not to share the inner workings of my network but I am pretty confident I got the tcpdump right.. so yeah, you don't need to trust my words, do the following and see for yourself. Point is, to sum it up, FF can be made truly privacy respecting, chromium on the other side ... not.

There is a fork of it called ungoogled-chromium, you might want to take a look at that one too (I don't recommend it, just saying) -> https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

In the past I spent hours reading about those 'hidden' settings in about:config, now I do not need to do that anymore thanks to this guy ->


His user.js is very very good and gets updated when new crap gets added by Mouzilloua. Very good but not perfect, you will need to apply some additional modifications but don't worry it is just a few.

Place the user.js in the relevant folder. Open your browser and in about:config write 'safebrowsing'.
Disable them all and remove every gooobles url (make it blank), as in:

browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.enabled   false
browser.safebrowsing.downloads.remote.url   (blank)

Disable the captive portal feature


As far as background connections that would be all, if memory serves me right. I also recommend you change your user agent to that of the TorBB, it will lower your fingerprint considerably (according to the eff's panopticlick that is)

general.useragent.override Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0

This last one is a 'string' you create by yourself (right click - new - string)

Do bear in mind that addons will make background connections so you should test your browser without them.

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