Qupzilla (Falcon)?

WebKit based, not much plugins but essential ones are there, is fairly compatible (better than Midori in my experience), fairly lightweight (memory footprint approximately half of Firefox and twice of Midori or so)

One drawback (from my POW) is that it is being integrated into KDE. The author specifically states that "there will be no hard dependencies on KDE libraries" but already there are efforts for kwallet integration. Actually in Debian, kwallet was first added as hard dependency to qupzilla, only recently reduced to "recommends" (which still translates into hard dependency with Debian's default apt settings).

Things may get out of hand and Qupzilla may become just another Konqueror (from KDE suit dependencies perspective). I hope it won't.


Also there is netsurf but I haven't tried is as yet. I gather that it is somewhat on par with midori.

Midori itself is already a very good compromise (functionality vs resource consumption) and would probably have been better than qupzilla, if only it was not orphaned for years. It is so promising a platform that I'm wishfully sure someone will pick it up and continue its development.

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