> Animals with dual-core sound processors? Am I missing the humor or some deep meaning in that? :)

Err I was referring to their dual brain lobes. Yes, hearing center should either in this lobe or the other, so it's not true dual-core. But I'm innocent, Intel started it all with their pseudo-multi-core hacks in their processors.

> So you don't have cable TV and you have deliberately limited your internet quota.

There are dish antennas. Why should I limit myself? Even if I get cable TV, I won't subscribe to pay-to-view channels and programs. So there is next to no difference between dish and cable as far as I'm concerned.

As for quota, I am simply keeping away from active content as much as possible (but still work with them when I have to). I find it worthwhile both security-wise, and information quality / density wise. It really enhances my productivity (or efficiency of internet usage).

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