I just fixed it. :D

In the past I always just shrugged and said, you know what, I'll just do a clean install... However, this time I decided I try to figure this out. It turns out the main issue my upgrade wasn't working was because I had lots of packages that were from non-trisquel repositories. When I installed apps from some repository or ppa, some things the upgrader wasn't expecting were being included. I think in hindsight it may have been the fact I had 3 versions of gcc installed (versions 5, 6 and 7). This is how I fixed everything:

1) Remove all non-trisquel PPAs and repositories from the Software & Updates app.

2) Do the folloiw ing the terminal:
$ sudo apt install apt-show-versions
$ sudo apt-show-versions | grep 'No available'

This shows a list of packages I have installed that aren't from a repository on my system.

3) Purge packages that are on the list using the following command:
$ sudo dpkg -P --force-all

This command removes the package without removing dependencies, which is what is needed here.

4) I rebooted noticed that I got a notification in my tool bar that many packages were now broken, so I went to Synaptic Package manager and it told me that stuff was too broken so I closed that program and went back to the terminal and typed the following command:
$ sudo aptitude -f install

Aptitude then suggested a dependency fix which was aggressive but worked. I just hit "Y" to proceed.

5) Then I typed the following commands to make sure thatI didn't remove anything that Trisquel needed:
$ sudo apt-get autoremove
$ sudo apt-get autoclean
$ sudo apt install trisquel

I noticed that aptitudes "fix" removed the trisquel package so I installed it again.

6) I rebooted and did one last autoremove, autoclean, update and upgrade. Then typed the following commands to get the upgrade to Trisquel 8 going:
$ sudo apt install upgrade-manager
$ sudo upgrade-manager -d

At this point the GUI upgrader boots and I just went through the prompts saying "Yes" and "OK" to everything. I selected "Restart" at the end of the upgrade and I computer booted just fine!

I think this technique could help a lot of people who are having issues upgrading.

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