> 1. Has anyone here had success with an AMD graphics driver computer
> after installing a new 'kernel'? If there are places I can go to
> find this out, just point me in the right direction as I don't want
> to waste everyone's time with subjects already covered on the
> forum.

I don't know if this will solve your problem, but you can get the newest 
linux-libre kernel from jxself's repo. https://jxself.org/linux-libre/

> 2. Where is the best place to go to find printer drivers? I can't
> use my mono laser printer with Trisquel at the moment.

Try running 'sudo apt install printer-driver-all' and see if your printer 
starts working.

> 3. Recommendations for a video downloader, so I can download a
> video from You- Tube without 'signing in' (not everything is on
> BitChute & D-Tube yet).

For just downloading, youtube-dl is a good command line tool in the repo. 
avideo does the same thing, but avoids running non-free javascript in the 
background. It isn't in the repo, but you can build it from here: 

For browsing and streaming from YouTube, I recommend youtube-viewer. It 
includes bothe the command line tool youtube-viewer and the graphical tool 
gtk-youtube-viewer. https://github.com/trizen/youtube-viewer

You can install it from a PPA

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install youtube-viewer

Note that unlike installing from the Trisquel repo, when you install from a PPA 
you'll need to check the license yourself to know that the software is free.

> Lastly, if I can't get my AMD computer to run with Trisquel, any
> recommendations for a simple, not too compromised non-free linux
> system that may work? (If this is inappropriate/contentious on this
> forum, let me know & I'll post this separately on the other
> Trisquel related forum).

You should certainly be able to get Trisquel to "run," but it indeed possible 
that not all hardware will work without non-free firmware. The most common 
hardware to require non-free firmware is the WiFi card. This is the case with 
my computer, so instead I use a USB wireless adapter for which there is free 

I don't know whether there is a free driver for your GPU, but it is worth 
trying the latest kernel. It would be against community guidelines to help you 
install proprietary software, but Trisquel imposes no restrictions on what you 
can or can't install on your machine, free or proprietary.

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