Many thanks loldier to your answer, the word fanatics I thought rather of fun. Yes, I absolutely agree to use a relatively small non-free driver with the fact that when I do not need it, I will remove it is the ideal solution. I like how we are called in the Czech Republic "a golden middle way" and this is how I try to behave in my normal life.

Very interesting opinion, which I have not met yet, also has ADFENO, libre software should not forbid me from installing non-free functional data. Yes, I absolutelly agree, this is true libre way very close to my preffered "golden middle way", I can choose fully libre system and if it is not possible, do this little non-free modification. If libre kernel developers can add this funkcionality, I will be very happy and I believe not only me, but I am understand, that this will be very difficult, if I examine kernel sources, my head is spinning.

So the best way for me for this time is to use TP-Link wifi dongle, kernel compilation in my machine is not the ideal way. This is not a problem for me, just like I need to use an external mouse I can use the dongle, Toughbook has 3 USB ports, so this is not a problem. I will be watching the situation around libre kernel and if I can help after gaining more programming experience, I will do it.

Thank you once again for clarification, I finally begin to understand the libre distros philosophy better.

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