Icedove is a modified version of Thunderbird. It's common to have to modify programs in order to fix freedom problems. Look at the Trisquel Helper scripts and you can find all sorts of examples. Icedove does provide all four freedoms. So, given that it's free software, there should be no issue with people using it.

Does Trisquel actually provide an actual copy of Thunderbird? In looking through my package manager it seems to provide a transitional thing for people to request Thunderbird but actually get Icedove. Notice how the package manager says "Note, selecting 'icedove' instead of 'thunderbird'":

apt install thunderbird
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'icedove' instead of 'thunderbird'
icedove is already the newest version (1:52.7.0+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1+8.0trisquel1).

If you somehow find an actual copy of Thunderbird in Trisquel please report it as a freedom issue so that it can be fixed.

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