> All from a simple right click and from within caja. I still have
> not found a solution for secure deleting files, I am still using the CLI
> for that.

By secure delete do you mean 'srm' from the secure-delete package? I'll answer 
your question assuming that's what you mean. If not, this will still work for 
whatever terminal command you are using.

Run 'caja-actions-config-tool' and create a new action. Under the 'Action' tab, 
change the 'Context label' field to "Secure Delete". Then go to the 'Command' 
tab. In the 'Path' field put 'srm' (or whichever command you're using) and in 
the 'Parameters' field put '%b'. Hit 'Save'.

Next go to Edit -> Prefences and deselect "Create a root 'Caja-Actions' Menu".

Now, when you right-click on a file in Caja, you should see 'Secure Delete'. If 
you also want to be able to secure delete directories, change the command in 
caja-actions-config-tool from 'srm' to 'srm -r'.

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