@ loldier:
Thank you for trying to help.
Before chaosmonk's post I couldn't find the road.
Now, if I don't misunderstand you, the road seems to have branched out simultaneously in at least 5 directions:
        1)The issue of the disabled cookies in Icedove
        2)The disk space factor
        3)The encryption settings (SSL/TLS)
        4)The non-standard portals issue
        5)The two factor authentication issue (2FA)

Because my IT knowledge is extremely poor and I don't find it easy to jump from one research road to another my plan is to continue my research in the first direction until the problem is solved or this matter is ruled out. In this case I will continue with the other research roads in the order we have both mentioned, unless I receive convincing arguments to change it.

@ chaosmonk:
Because you said
> Try temporarily enabling cookies in Icedove's privacy/security settings and see if you can sign in.< my first move was to seek for the privacy/security settings in Icedove but I couldn't find such a place. So I have now moved my research to Abrowser's privacy/settings place. Am I on the right track?

Thank you for your time

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