> Only if I install package 'trisquel' which installs
> everything (almost one gigabyte), I get it right.

Is the only thing missing the panel? The panel layouts available in
mate-tweak (Redmond, Fedora, etc.) appear to be defined in files under
/usr/share/mate-panel/layouts. This directory also contains additional
layout files, including one called trisquel.layout,

$ ls /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts/
default.layout                  mutiny.panel
eleven-fresh.layout             netbook-fresh.layout
eleven-indicators-fresh.layout  netbook-indicators-fresh.layout
eleven-indicators.layout        netbook-indicators.layout
eleven.layout                   netbook.layout
fedora.layout                   opensuse.layout
linuxmint.layout                redmond-fresh.layout
mageia.layout                   redmond-indicators-fresh.layout
mutiny-fresh.layout             redmond-indicators.layout
mutiny-fresh.panel              redmond.layout
mutiny-indicators-fresh.layout  trisquel.layout
mutiny-indicators-fresh.panel   ubuntu-mate-fresh.layout
mutiny-indicators.layout        ubuntu-mate-indicators-fresh.layout
mutiny-indicators.panel         ubuntu-mate-indicators.layout
mutiny.layout                   ubuntu-mate.layout

which opened in a text editor does seem to define Trisquel's default

This file comes from the 'mate-panel' package 

$ dpkg -S trisquel.layout 
mate-panel: /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts/trisquel.layout

so I don't think you should need the 'trisquel' package to install it.

The problem is actually applying this layout, as it is not an option
in mate-tweak.

Browsing with dconf-editor I see that under
org/mate/desktop/panel/general there is a setting called
'default-layout' which by default is set to 'trisquel'. Changing the
layout to Redmond in mate-tweak causes the dconf value to change from
'trisquel' to 'redmond', so this value seems to be related. However,
changing the value manually in dconf editor and logging in/out has no
effect on the panel layout or the value displayed in mate-tweak, so I
must still be missing something.

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