I installed python-pip. What do I do with it? I couldn't find cpython or python-profiler in the repositories in neither pip nor apt.

So you disagree with the NC-SA license for all educational use, because if you learn something you can't apply it to work that you sell?

I have been a little confused about what online resources there are for computer science. I'll try to find with something without the CC-BY-NC license.

I am kind of limited on ixquick (startpage) as it only displays one page of search. I don't like duckduckgo because they colluded with yahoo. I found a close relative's obit result when I searched for something irrelevant (my zip code I think) once so I thought ddg.gg was weird. When I search for someone I knew on ixquick it too brought up other local people so maybe it is not unusual what ddg.gg did.

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