> I think no. Techoethical selles 10 years old laptops for 4-10x higher price
> to survive somehow. I bought the same laptop on trash-market for 25 EURO.

I doubt the laptop was already librebooted, though. You might know how
to libreboot it yourself, but someone who is uncomfortable with external
flashing might be willing to pay more for the computer to avoid having
to learn how. Still, Technoethical's laptops seem expensive even for
that. I'm not sure why they cost so much more than librebooted laptops
from other vendors.

If anything is drastically overpriced, though, it's their phones. Unlike
flashing libreboot externally, installing Replicant is very easy. I
bought a Replicant-supported phone for $20, and learned how to install
Replicant in less than 30 minutes. Anyone comfortable copy/pasting
terminal commands should be able to do the same.

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