Whenever I try to open a folder (right- or left-click) that pesky Icedove send mail window appears, trying to send that folder as an attachment. That's before I have even started Icedove.

I installed a different file manager (PCManFM) and uninstalled the former File Manager
(xfce.org) but that had no effect.

This instance of flidas is in the USB-connected 1TB HDD, and that is the one with which I had trouble migrating Icedove's profile (since successfully completed). While that effort was in progress I was experiencing the send-mail window popping up whenever I was trying to start Icedove, but I thought it was some application trying to sign me up to send & receive emails ... kinda like Windows of yore, getting set to call the mother ship.

Alongside this annoyance, the "new" T420's Win10 installation will _not_ be turned off; it so persistently comes back on that I have to unplug it and remove the battery. That will be rectified by returning the T420 to the store, probably to get another T420 with
a blank, unformatted HDD.

Probably the pesky "send Home to the mother ship" problem is best addressed by uninstalling
Icedove and reinstalling it ... ?

In the interim I am using the terminal to manage my files.

George Langford

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