Thanks for your help. According to the Parabola link I provided above is goes like this:

"By default, you will have to enter your LUKS passphrase twice; once in GRUB, and once when booting the kernel. GRUB unlocks the encrypted partition and then loads the kernel, but the kernel is not aware of the fact that it is being loaded from an encrypted volume. Therefore, you will be asked to enter your passphrase a second time. A workaround is to put a key file inside initramfs, with instructions for the kernel to use it when booting. This is safe, because /boot/ is encrypted (otherwise, putting a key file inside initramfs would be a bad idea).".

That's what they say. Hence me thinking that it is indeed the same password (as in it is one only password and not two separate passwords that just happen to be the same). I tried following their procedure but they make use of a command "mkinitcpio" and it's configuration file. However I can't get it to work in Trisquel 8. Parabola's way of installing in Libreboot systems is slightly different so I am unsure how to adjust it to our own. I have tried reading other pages online about using a key file to unlock partitions but there is much information I don't understand.

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