Greetings, I would like to disable capslock permanently and replace it with ctrl. I used this:

> sudo setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps

It works temporarily, but then inexplicably reverts back to the old caps-lock behavior. I also tried changing this file:

> /etc/default/keyboard

By using sudo to add the following line to it:

> XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:nocaps"

That line persists in the file but seems to have no effect.

I was hoping to find a set-it-and-forget-it command or configuration that would work without having to install another package like a tweak tool which would also be handy for future reference. I'm mystified by it randomly reverting back after using the setxkbmap command (without logging out).

I don't remember this ever happening on my other computer which also uses Trisquel 8. The biggest difference I'm aware of between this laptop and my other Trisquel 8 machine is this one uses an outdated version of libreboot, so my desktop clock only shows military time. I wonder if this capslock behavior is also related to the older version of libreboot? I don't know how to update Libreboot and am not quite ready to incapacitate this laptop due to a failed attempt since it is my goto machine. The instructions on the libreboot site were a little bit intimidating. This is an X200 Taurinus.


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