I don't know if it was Snap or Flatpak, but [one of these] had a issue reported 
in Trisquel, in which they would allow installing from the default repository 
maintained by the package manager, that wouldn't be a problem if the repository 
had policy to include only GNU FSDG compliant packages.

To clarify, this message doesn't have references, as such, take with a grain of 
salt as I'm currently unable to look which program was in Trisquel's website 
search - I'm going to do some college tests/exams now.

Em 14 de abril de 2019 14:01:59 BRT, svh...@gmail.com escreveu:
> > Libre?
>On debian 9 64bit I installed
>flatpak 1.2.4 - 4
>gajim 1.1.2
>omemo 2.6.26
>Gajim and omemo runs.

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