What CPU instruction set architectures (ISAs) does Trisquel support today? What instruction set architecture (ISA) will Triquel support in the future?

If I go to the download page today, I can only download images for Intel/AMD 32 bit or 64 bit CPU's. Are those the only two supported CPU ISAs?

Does or will Trisquel support ARM processors, either 32 bit or 64 bit? Ubuntu, the distribution Trisquel is based on, supports at least ARM 64 bit. Today the majority of new single board computer are based on ARM 64 bit. In addition, the phone from Purism will run on an ARM 64 bit platform.

Does or will Trisquel support RISC-V in the future? Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 LTS do not support RISC-V. However, Debian, the distribution Ubuntu is based on, does support RISC-V.

What about IBM's OpenPower architecture? Does or will Trisquel support OpenPower (Power 8, 9 etc.) in the future? OpenPower hardware is available for desktop users (See RaptorCS products: https://www.raptorcs.com/) as well as Ubuntu supports it.

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