Libreshop, thank you for your suggestions and link to the article about different commands for shutting down.

Yes I did contact and they suggested that it could be an issue with systemd, or the swap partition, and suggested I run the poweroff command and see if I get any error messages. Upon running the poweroff command, I got the same result as before: I don't get any error messages that I can see, there is some text that comes up but it flashes by so quickly I can't read it, and goes to the screen with the pulsing logo, where it hangs forever. When I told them this, they said: "As this seems to be related with the operating system you are using now. I would recommend you to visit the Trisquel support forums for it's users:";.

After reading your post and the article you linked, I tried "sudo shutdown -P now" but got the same result as before. I tried sudo poweroff -f and it did something different: it said, in the terminal, "Powering off.", but then sat there forever doing nothing.

CalmStorm, did you have this same problem with Trisquel 8? Did you ever fix it? Or switch to a different distribution? Do you have the same problem with another distribution? What model laptop do you have?

Jabjabs, thank you for the suggestion about the wifi switch. Unfortunately, this did not fix my problem.

dctrud, thank you for your suggestion about using a different kernel. This looks very involved and I would hope to find a simpler solution if one is available.

Does anyone have any further ideas?  Much appreciated!


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