> In any case, after this message appeared, the workspace switcher was
> gone from the panel.  But more importantly, the area that shows which
> programs are open, enabling minimization and maximization of programs
> and switching between programs, is blank.  There is no way to see a
> list of the programs that are open, and a program that is minimized
> becomes permanently inaccessible.

First I would try to just add them back. Right click on the panel, click
"Add to panel...", and try to re-add "Workspace Switcher" and "Window

If you can't add them back, or if they crash again, run

$ killall mate-panel

Your panel will disappear. Then, run

$ mate-panel

The panel will reappear. See if any error messages appear in the
terminal, and if so copy/paste them here. (Whenever a graphical program
fails to do something and does not provide a helpful error message, you
can often get more information by running the program from a terminal.)

Then, try again to re-add the workspace switcher and window list. If any
errors are printed to the terminal when you attempt to add them,
copy/paste those here as well.

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