> mx-packageinstaller: https://github.com/MX-Linux/mx-packageinstaller

Thanks andyprough.  I'll look into this.  Is it for installing packages
generally (including things like libraries and drivers, like synaptic)
or is it focused on applications (things like LibreOffice and VLC, as
gnome-app-install and gnome-software are)?

> Runs well. Since it's just a gui front-end to apt, it doesn't run into
> all the problems that gnome-software does. It's GPL3 licensed.

A front-end to apt might still recommend software from third-party apt
repos added by the user, so we'll still need to make sure that it
doesn't make recommendations for third-party software that appear to be
recommended by Trisquel, but that's not a strike against since it's also
an issue with gnome-software.

> It also has a direct link to the Debian repos on the system, which in
> your case would be set up to link to the Trisquel repo.

Yeah, that's probably a simple change.

> It does have a flatpak dependency which I would think you would want
> to get rid of if possible. But I assume that that's just to link to
> available flatpak packages, and not something that's truly integral to
> the program.

Flatpak itself is not a problem.  It's really the Flathub repository,
which contains non-free software, which we need to avoid.  I don't mind
modifying the program to address freedom issues.  That's necessary
anyway with gnome-software.  If it just f***ing works, it will be an
improvement over gnome-software.  The important thing is that it's a
real gnome-software replacement (application based) and not a synaptic
replacement (package based).  I'll take a look this weekend.

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