We are free, in control of the software, if we can, in practice (hence not on a tivoized device), run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Any free software license gives us these freedoms.

Let us take a more extreme example: why would I refuse to use a permissively licensed program? It gives me all the freedoms listed above. The proprietary derivatives do not. But I do not use those.

Of course, you can run whatever software you want. Or not run, for that matter. If you only accept GPLv3 software, you have far bigger problems than finding a multimedia player: you cannot run it on any popular display server (Wayland is distributed under the Expat license; X11 under the, well, X11 license) or on the Linux framebuffer (Linux is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2 only, and DirectFB under the LGPLv2.2). Also, you cannot use Linux drivers.

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