To Andy,

Hello, Andy. I see you are a new member in this forum and I'm glad to see you. For you question, firstly our operating system is GNU/Linux, not only Linux, as the latter is a component and not the whole operating system. Secondly, I do not really grasp your wordings, did you mean you were looking for a lightweight GNU/Linux system to run FreeCAD? If that so, I can say that Trisquel 9.0 Etiona (yes, I am running 9.0 LiveCD to write this reply) will work well with your 3GB RAM and even better with the 4GB one and best with 7GB one. If you are learning FreeCAD, I recommend you to make friends with FreeCAD Forum which is a great community with thousands of posts already. From this forum, I believe you will be interested with 'Users Showcase' subforum[1]. Enjoy Trisquel!

[1] Sample screenshot from that subforum:

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