On 06/03/20 19:04, Caleb Herbert wrote:
> How do I report spam from forum PM?
> I use mailing list.

     So you have the message with all of the headers.  Good.

     I routinely report spam messages to SpamCop (www.spamcop.net).

     Does SpamCop work out?  Well, somewhat.  I have learnt that in some
cases it worked out, whereas on spam from whatnews.es it seems to have
not effect.

     Could you report spam delivered through the forum?  Certainly.  The
software running Trisquel's forum resends the e-mails to all of the
suscribers *keeping* the original headers, to the e-mail can be traced
to its source.  Well, it /could/ be traced to its source in case the
headers aren't forged, but in any case SpamCop won't blame it on
Trisquel's Forum.  @Admin: please acknowledge this.

     Hope I have been of help to you this time.

Ignacio Agulló · grafot...@grafotema.com

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