In an effort to estimate the degree to which a block of Internet addresses have been assigned the same PTR record, I'm attempting to reassign the contents of randomly selected fields in the retrieved addresses of the block.

I've found a script which generates a random number among the numerals 4 through 7: shuf -i 4-7 -n 1 Reference:

Also another script to create a random four-digit hexadecimal number, suitably modified: echo "#$(openssl rand -hex 2)" | tr -d '\#'

These both produce the desired outputs, but I have been unable to write a script which causes the randomly generated field number from the output of the first function to replace that field with the output from the second function.

This technique is based on my training in metallurgy, where averaging of randomly selected fields in a microscopic view
can be proven mathematically to represent the property of the entire view.

Why I want to do this: The number of addresses in a block such as field:field::/32 is too large to look up over several

I've written a script which replaces the last field in the IPv6 address with :0/112 so that the script which looks up the PTR records has just 64K addresses & PTR's in its output. Repeating the script for a hundred or so found IPv6 addresses takes several hours, which is tolerably quick for my purposes. Repeating that task for my suggested random changes in the source IPv6 addresses within just the 4th through 7th fields will not usually cause the search to stray outside the original CIDR blocks of the source addresses. That would randomly sample the originating CIDR block, all the more so, the more times
the proposed script is run.

I've done something like this by running my basic nmap search script on two data sets for the same PTR record, one gleaned from the Internet with a search on the hostname/PTR record, and the other from a database of publicly available recent-visitor data gathered without first applying hostname-lookup to the original visitor addresses. Each address set was different from the other, both had around a hundred addresses, and the outputs of each nmap search script lists over six million identical
PTR records, making twelve million ... how many more are there ?

George Langford

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