boba inquired about my experience with the full-up 256GB thumb drive:

What I wrote:
I have another 256GB thumb drive which was never reluctant to accept new files, but I don't remember what I did right with that one that I'm not doing today. It's full, too, however.

"Could you check which file system its partition is using?
If it is using fat, then the explanation is complete."

GParted tells me the file system is msdos (i.e., same as the drive vendor used). Formatted to ext4. "Permissions not determined." I could read & write right off.

I'll apply Magic Banana's chown solution
sudo chown -R $USER:$george IPv4
Afterwards, its little red light blinked for a couple of minutes while it was doing it recursive thing. Properties: I've got the 755 permissions now; 77,474 items, totalling 226.1 GB.

Thanks for looking into this. Your theory is correct, it seems. Linux is more secure !
George Langford

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