> PureOS was an oversight and those problems should be addressed there too.

It's not just that there are some problems to address. It appears that PureOS has barely even begun to work toward FSDG compliance beyond choosing to start from an already mostly-free base distro. I don't know how the FSF endorsement process works, but if they didn't check the kernel, popular browsers, the forum, and known freedom issues in a similar distro, then I'm honestly not sure what they *did* check.

Sure, Purism could start working on these issues now (several years after receiving FSF endorsement), and I think they probably would if the FSF asked them to. But If that is good enough, and if the FSF continues to endorse PureOS in the meantime while these issues are worked on, then I think it would be fair to endorse Uruk if they promise to fix freedom issues later (by merging packages from Trisquel 10 once it is in development, for instance).

By the way, you were the one who informed me that the Librem 5 will require firmware blobs, and after some searching I concluded that you were probably right (unless something has changed in the last few months or will change before the phone ships). I'm not sure that I've actually seen Purism claim outright that the phone will run blobless, but I have seen many people and articles assume that it will on account of the claim that it will run an FSF endorsed distro. When it comes time to ship this phone, Purism will need to include the necessary blobs, at which point PureOS will be similar freedom-wise to Fedora. Maybe the FSF will finally reconsider their endorsement then, but in the meantime they are participating in a bait-and-switch to get people to preorder a phone under the false impression that it will not require non-free firmware blobs.

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