Michaël Kummert a écrit :

I've just solved the problems I was speaking about in my previous e-mail. By upgrading from CVF 6.6.0 to 6.6.B the rebuilding of the dll seems to work succesfully,
I wonder why.

Because TRNSYS uses some features that were implemented (or fixed) in that update, such as the DLL export instructions, etc. This is why we insist so much on the need for the 6.6B update. It seems that "so much" is not enough yet so this is a good opportunity to remind all users that they will save time and frustration if they use Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B and not any of the other versions (there is a 6.6C update but it is not required by TRNSYS and introduces some problems so we do not recommend that you install it --- OK, more clearly: Use 6.6B and nothing else!).

Kind regards,

Michaël Kummert

Dear Michaël,
today it's difficult to find CVF6.6B to upgrade  6.6.0 version
Are the problems solved with 6.6C3 that can be found on HP website?

Thank you.


*Laurent SERRES*

*IUT Génie Civil*

*3, Rue du Clos Courtel*

*BP 90422*


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