The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Reprinted from International Viewpoints #31 April 1997 with permission of
Antony Phillips

Gradients and Hidden Standards

By Todde Salen, Sweden

A PRIMARY TARGET in some Eastern religions has been to exteriorize from the
body and, thus, increase the awareness of the thetan of his existence as a
free spirit.
In L. Ron Hubbard's philosophy, it has again become an important target. The
hidden standards of Eastern religions give you the idea that you are
attached by a "string" to the body and that you are "separate" from the

LRH gave new definitions and viewpoints on the phenomenon of
exteriorization. In the tech dictionary, he points out that exteriorization
occurs when the thetan achieves a certainty that he is himself and not his

Two ways

Hubbard discussed the subject of exteriorization in many of his bulletins
and lectures, and pointed out that there are two, fundamentally different
ways to exteriorize.

By leaving the body when going down the tone scale: if so, you leave the
body when you go below 0.0 (death) on the tone scale - this happens often in
times of severe stress or often when the body dies.

By going up the tone scale: if so, you leave the body when you rise past 4.0
When you leave the body through the bottom of the 4.0 to 0.0 "human band" of
the tone scale, you separate yourself from the body and are more or less
disconnected from it - pretty well out of control of it.

When you exteriorize from the body above 4.0, enthusiasm, by growing as a
being, you remain in control of the body. This is the desired way to
exteriorize, but it is less noticeable and does not satisfy the hidden
standards of Eastern beliefs.

However, the ancient Greeks obviously knew the phenomenon of entering the
body by going down tone from higher levels of the tone scale into the human
band. The proof of this is the etymology of the word "enthusiasm". This word
is composed of the two words in Greek: en and theos. The word en means "in"
or "into" and theos means "god" or, as we would say, "thetan". Thus the
Greeks obviously called the tone level of Enthusiasm the level where the
thetan exteriorized.

Using Hubbard's philosophy of gradients and dynamics you can arrive at
further insights and deeper understanding of the phenomenon.


Instead of talking only about being exterior or interior (which really is
the subject of what happens at 0.0 on the scale), you might as well look at
how much exterior or interior a being can be. At 0.0, the being holds a
viewpoint different from one held inside the body: he perceives from
outside. This is mentioned in NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and when people
take drugs. It lends reality to the hidden standards in Eastern philosophies
concerning exteriorization.

The phenomenon of exteriorization through 4.0 is not such a black and white
phenomenon. Instead of a sudden shift of viewpoint, either you get a
gradient, where you "grow too big for the body" and eventually do not fit
inside it, or your awareness changes gradiently to where you no longer
consider yourself to be a body. In such a shift of awareness, it can be hard
to see exactly where you did exteriorize.

If you are held back in expansion by strong hidden standards, and then such
hidden standards are let go of suddenly, you can feel a very swift expansion
of viewpoint in which you become "unlocated".

1. According to A Greek-English Lexicon, entheos in Greek meant "full of the
god, inspired, possessed.." Ed.

Such an experience can be strong and would fulfill your wildest hidden
standard expectations, but that is not the normal way of exteriorizing out
of the body through 4.0 on the tone scale.


  Considering gradients further, the subject of exteriorizing from the body
basically relates to the 1st Dynamic. When you are aware, you are getting
more concerned about your survival as a thetan. If you had total certainty
on your existence and survival as a thetan, you would not need to worry
about the future of a body line or a civilization. Yet, for most thetans who
have been trapped in bodies and thus have believed that they are bodies, it
is hard to arrive at such a certainty simply because you have become aware
of the fact that you exist independently of a body. Instead, most thetans
who have lived as human beings on planet Earth are quite unsure of what will
happen to them when the body dies.
  Because of this uncertainty, there is a strong desire among human beings
(and among thetans trapped in a body line) to procreate. Thus the urge to
survive through the 2nd. Dynamic, hoping there will be a body available for
you to occupy when you leave the present one.
  To be able to exteriorize from the body line, the 2nd Dynamic, is a higher
step on the gradient to full certainty concerning your survival as a thetan
independent of body-lines.
  The next logical step on this gradient is to exteriorize from the need to
survive through groups, 3rd Dynamics.
  Next is to exteriorize from the need to survive through the 4th Dynamic,
culture or civilization.
  If you consider this expanded viewpoint on the gradient of
exteriorization, you will realize that, at the top of the line, you
exteriorize from the need to survive through infinity/truth or God.

Status Today?

  Once you have exteriorized from your body on this gradient, you have left
the 1st. Dynamic, and your concerns about surviving through your present
human identity decrease. If this has already happened in this present
lifetime, you may be interested in learning how far you have come on the
gradient of exteriorization on the dynamics.
  Such a question is quite easy to answer. All you have to do is look at
what concerns you the most. If your concern is mainly to make your body or
1st Dynamic survive, you are maybe exterior from your body by having an
exterior viewpoint, but you are not exterior from the body by having a
viewpoint of survival that mainly concerns higher dynamics.
  If your main concern is to raise your children and protect them from
dangers, you have exteriorized from your 1st Dynamic, but not the 2nd.
  If it is to safeguard your culture or civilization and its future
survival, you have exteriorized from your 3rd Dynamic, but not from the 4th.
  If it is to safeguard the survival of thetans, you are a prospect for
training to become a Meditor, and you could be exterior to the 5th and 6th
Dynamic, but that is only true if you can have loosing the 5th and 6th
Dynamics in your game of Dynamics.
  To be totally exterior would be to leave the 8th Dynamic game and return
to your own home universe. If you have that as a goal, you may as well
realize that there are some obstacles in the way, which you might as well
start confronting.  You are not likely to overcome them simply by
postulating yourself back into your own universe.
 The reason you are trapped in life and the MEST universe is that you wanted
a game other than those you could have in your own home universe.
  Maybe, when you entered the 8th. Dynamic's game, you did not realize that
you would sink as deep into this universe as you have done. But now you are
here and the road out consists of accepting a lot of Responsibility. With
that comes a need for Knowledge and ability to Control: KRC.

1 Meditor, the term Todde uses for facilitator or auditor. Ed.

(Another way to look at the reason you left your home universe is that you
failed at each of the legs 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the game you were playing
there.  You could no longer confront the level of Knowledge Responsibility
and Control you needed to stay their so you left to find a game to play that
required a lower level of KRC to play.  This is the dwindling spiral of
ability that Dennis Stephens refers to in TROM. Pete McLaughlin)


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