The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
Hi Everyone
I was doing some research on IFA this morning, an ancient religion as I am 
interested in primal goals, polarities that sort of thing when I came across 
this page:
Message origionally by Ed Berwick.

I met Alan some years ago at a meeting in London, a memorable experience, I 
came out floating on air, it seemed.

While I was studying Knowledgism I was able to achieve many things I had not 
been able to before.

My communication level improved considerably, I was able to achieve 
accomplishments on a third Dynamic level I would never had thought possible 
before that.

I actually cleared up the area I live in from gangs/trouble makers, went to 
meetings, contacted the right people and got my photograph in the city 

I still have many of his books, The Clean Slate procedure is an excellent way 
of discovering MUs, confusions and to get a very good understanding of a word.

So sorry to hear of his passing away, he discovered some very good tech, I 
always liked his mood drills and his SPIEPIR is very usable for setting goals.

SPIEPIR, Spirit, Perceive, Intend, Envision, Plan, Implement, Result.

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