The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
  There is a method to story telling that goes like this

1. You tell the audience what you are going to tell them
2. You tell them
3. You tell them what you have told them.

Your video Diamond Girl lacks an introduction as in 1. above.  It drowns on
stating the simplistic statements about how the earth is like a body is
based on a premise I do not agree with that the planet is a living entity.

I got bored half way through and do not know if you summarize as in 3 above
at the end.

In newspapers they call step 1 the hook.  Headline "Pope Elopes" is the hook
and step 1 above. Step 1. lets the audience decide if they want to bother
listening to your presentation from among the millions of other possible
things they could be doing.

If you are trying to communicate something with your youtube videos, and I
am sure you are as I know how hard it is to put together a video slide show
with appropriate music and a clear voiced announcer to tell the story, then
you need to apply good story telling technique so the intended audience will
stay around long enough to listen.

Next, why do you feel the need to save us all and then leave as though this
is some bad place to be?

I am here to get experiences in life and learn how life works.  TROM for me
is an excellent method for doing that.  I don't feel any need to be SAVED by
anyone and have case on being betrayed by others proposing to save me so
would not accept any outside help anyway.

All of this is said with the friendliest of intentions.  Thanks for trying.



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