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--- On Wed, 3/30/11, Leo Faulhaber <leo.faulha...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Leo Faulhaber <leo.faulha...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Possible error in the original TROM manual
To: "Pete McLaughlin" <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 12:08 AM

Hi Pete

I haven't got an answer from you so far. Did I say anything in my mail that 
annoyed you?

Best wishes

Leo Faulhaber

2011/3/22 Leo Faulhaber <leo.faulha...@gmail.com>

Hi Pete
Thanks for your answer!

2011/3/21 Pete McLaughlin <pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com>

hi Leo

The original notes of Dennis were typed up by Greg Pickering.  The text found 
on the Freezone website is that original material.  Judith Anderson complained 
to Dennis that there were a number of grammar errors in the text and corrected 
these before she started selling her version of TROM.

Thanks for letting me know. I read that about Greg in your introduction. 

i also found many grammar errors and other inconsistencies in the Greg 
Pickering text so corrected these and added some footnotes and definitions etc. 
to produce the TROM text you can download at tromhelp.com.

I do habe your "version" of TROM. 

Dennis found he had made an error in wording on the level 5 chart which he 
mentions in one of the tapes.  i corrected the copy of TROM that i publish on 
tromhelp.com to include this correction.

Well done. I listened to that tape too and it's "correctly corected" now. I 
mean, it makes sense now and that's what it should do.

I see the point of logic you are making but it does not rise to the level of 
being an error that will stop progress in
 resolving the mind. 
Great that you can see it. For most of the people it won't be problem. For me 
it is (was) one. I got somehow stuck there. It worked like a misunderstood if 
you know what I mean. 

I hesitate to make changes in the text i post on the website beyond what i have 
done so far. i could already be accused of altering the original text with what 
i have done.

You don't need to make this change. But I would be happy if you could publish 
my post on the mailing list so we can have a duscussionon it. If we then see 
90% agreing with my point of view, you can have another look at it. (Or if we 
have only 10% agreeing with me, I can have another look at it.) 

 You of course should make any changes you want in your copy so as to make TROM 
work better for you.

I will mention it in my translation. Just a note in parentheses. 

i keep my active copy of TROM on my laptop computer and make changes and add 
notes when ever i feel the need.  the addition or removal of even a comma can 
greatly alter the meaning of the written document.  as my understanding of TROM 
increases i find that my earlier interpretation was incorrect and make changes.

I agree it's a heavy one to duplicate and duplication can change as one 

i expect this process to continue so i do not have a PERFECT text for TROM.  i 
feel it is best to leave it as close as possible to what Dennis approved at 

do bring up these observations as you find them and i hope others on the site 
will benefit from relooking at the text to question if they
 understood it right.

I appreciate that you maintain the site with the written and tape materials. On 
the other hand I do have a slight disagreement with adding LRH definitions for 
certains words or concepts out of the Tech Dictionary. For example that one for 
"games condition". No need to define it per Scientology. Dennis does define it 
much better in the text. Or that one for "communication". Dennis gives a much 
better definition (in my opinion). It also might put TROM into danger because 
of copyright infringements. It's already quite risky on the part of Dennis to 
use the words "overt" and "motivator".

By the way: My translation is now being checked by Happyharry.
All the best

Keep on TROMing


--- On Sun, 3/20/11, Leo Faulhaber <leo.faulha...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Leo Faulhaber <leo.faulha...@gmail.com>
Subject: Possible error in the original TROM manual

To: trom-ow...@lists.newciv.org
Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9:01 AM


I think there is an error in the original TROM manual. There is an additional 
word in the following point 2). It says:

The four basic actions of life each have a twin postulate structure:

1. The postulate bringing the effect into existence, and the postulate that it 
shall be known.
2. The postulate taking the effect out of existence, and the postulate that it 
shall be made (this is the word in question) not-known.

3. The postulate to know the effect and the postulate that it shall be made 

4. The postulate to not-know the effect and the postulate that it shall be made 

My reasoning goes as follows:

If the word "made" is correct in point 2) then it should also be present in 
point 1) which should then read: ... that it shall be made known.

But "to make known" or "to make not-known" are postulates on the self-side 
(bringing something into existence). But here we have it to do with a twin 
postulate structure. First part of the sentence is the "self-determined" 
postulate and the second part of the sentence is the "pan-determined" 
postulate. And the purpose for the "other side" (not self) is that it should be 
known or not-known. So the word "made" is an additive and should be deleted.

Please let me know your ideas about this.

Leo Faulhaber


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