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Hi Pete,            from          Aarre                Nov. 11/'11

My understanding is that those three classes of 'Merchants of Chaos',
the gov't, the central bankers, and the big finance bastards are just
dramatising overwhelms they experienced from higher and higher off world
sources, and thus are themselves in turn being 'given it up the back
tailpipe'.   Wouldn't things on this planet resolve more quickly if the
beings closer to the source of the abberative games were addressed, not the
lackeys much down the totem pole of influence?   I understand that in the
corporate world, the most relaxed person that you could talk to would
usually be the one at the top, and the farther down into middle
management you go, the more stressed, worried, and non wholistic the
members become.  A change that would take years to make from a middle
management level person, could be approved and enforced in weeks by one of
the top execs, without too much fear of 'losing his job';  he got their
because he got over the 'fear of losing his job', so was senior to it.

Even if all TROM members got to level 5 completion by Dec. 21/'2012, do you
think that that action alone would distimulate the planet enough to shift
into a golden age?  I'm not sure what to think, except that we need to do
our TROM, and I feel that we are fighting against time ?   The planet is
one 'sick puppy', so don't you think we need some powerful help in our
affairs before we 'blow up'?
There is one video of a ufo blasting a missle launched by the US military,
and then the missle went sideways, went out of control, and was destroyed.
Unless I've been duped and lied to, the aliens have prevented any nuclear
missiles from being launched successfully for several years now, and have
even disabled the nukes in Nebraska, I believe it was,  for hours on end.
They apparently could shut down the 'triple m's'  (military mental
midgets), if they wished.

Yours,   Aarre

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 10:38 PM, Pete McLaughlin <
pete_mclaughlin_93...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Why all this concern about ETs out to get us.  We have enough real trouble
> with over-intrusive, over regulating, over taxing government and the
> Central Bankers counterfeiting money so as to rob the savings and pensions
> of the people while the Big Finance corporations like MF Global,
> Goldmansachs, JP Morgan et al are stealing the stocks and bonds they hold
> for their customers.
>   Use TROM to figure out how to not be the sucker in these three games and
> you will be safe from most of the real threats in life.
> Keep on TROMing
> Pete
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com>
> *To:* The Resolution of Mind list <trom@lists.newciv.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, November 11, 2011 7:05 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [TROM1] I mentioned earlier how important Relative
> Importances are
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Thanks so very much,  Bill,              from         Aarre          Nov.
> 11/'11
> I'm going to make a new google label for 'books to be read'. This is going
> into it. I need to read the Truman Cash ebooks first.  I believe in the
> panning for gold method of finding truth;  If you seek enough varied, and
> even contradictory sources, you can start piecing together the puzzle, and
> know what's going on, and the supposed 'truth'.  Of course, Dennis stated
> that everything in the physical universe can be known, because it was
> placed there to be known.   I am going to get to that level, and have on
> many occasions done that bit by bit.  I believe in the wholistic approach
> to data accumulation/evaluation,  and I'm sure that it is what I learned on
> one of the 'Student Hat' (study course) lectures by L Ron Hubbard when I
> did the course.  He said, if you aren't sure, get data from many, many
> sources, and compare it.  This is much like panning for gold, and finding
> mostly dirt (dross), but occasionally coming across gorgeous nugget of gold
> (truth) !  We are going to be finding lots of nuggets of truth.  The
> 'truth' cannot be hidden permanently;  only temporarily.
> You've been kind of quiet, Bill;  come out from behind the curtain and
> tell us something about yourself ?
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 9:44 PM, Bill <wtalex...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> *************
> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> ************
> Try reading "Keepers of the Garden" by Dolores Cannon.  I found it very
> interesting concerning ETs
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
> Aarre Peltomaa <peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >*************
> >The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> >************
> >
> >Hi Paul          from         Aarre            Nov. 11/11
> >
> >Awesomely true,  as Colleen has reminded me many times.  I'm postulating
> >getting to the level where I can 'postulate' that it's not that important,
> >and just flush it down the toilet.   I've had some moments like that, and
> >surely will have more.
> >
> >By the way, has anyone had any strange, non-sequitur occurances or
> feelings
> >since it is the much talked about 11-11-11 ?  I was so tired and washed
> out
> >this morning (totally zapped), that I didn't go to work until later in the
> >afternoon;  I clean eavestroughs and windows for a 'living'.  Before that,
> >I had a coughing cold for 2 days.  Just coincidence or some other factor?
> >I don't know if you believe this or not, but the ET's on '2012 Indy Info'
> >keep saying that we are supposed to have a massive download of good
> >energies for out DNA  today and on Dec. 21st. of 2012.   I try to keep my
> >mind open and take in all data, good or bad, hoping not to get
> >indigestion.  I am currently, with Colleen's help, doing a doubt formula
> on
> >the ET's intentions for us.  I know that the Greys and Reptilians are bad
> >ass, but am not certain yet about the Pleidians, Orions, Arcturians,
> >Andromedans, and Syrians, the so called white hats from the 'Galactic
> >Federation of Light'.  The Vector Analysis Board data (ask me for the
> link)
> >suggests we are all being given it up the rear ends by the masters at the
> >very, very top matrix of the playing board, and are therefore just pawns.
> >I'm currently reading Truman Cash's  2 ebooks about what nasty's ET's do
> to
> >Homo Sapiens.    I'm *extremely* open to all viewpoints and data on this
> to
> >help my continuing Doubt Condition about their intentions.
> >
> >Even if none of this is that 'IMPORTANT' to me,  it still is very
> >interesting if not other than for it's 'intellectual
> >stimulation/masturbation' reason.  In plain English,  it's very, very
> >interesting to me.
> >
> >How are you guys feeling on 11-11-11?  ; any different?
> >
> >Your friend,
> >Aarre Peltomaa,
> >peltomaa.aa...@gmail.com
> >(647) 202-7267
> >p.s.  If you want excellent info on the mechanics of the physical
> >universe,   look up 'The Electric Universe' and 'Thunderbolts.com'.
> >
> >
> >
> >On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 1:40 AM, Paul Tipon <pti...@proftitleserv.com
> >wrote:
> >
> >> *************
> >> The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
> >> ************
> >> Well, in prepping for doing Level 5 by reading and re-reading over
> >> and over again, I came across this truth by Dennis.
> >>
> >> "The entire secret of making any mental mass vanish is to re-evaluate
> >> its importance to present time realities to the point where it is
> >> considered so trivial that there is no longer any need to keep it in
> >> existence; at which moment the mass can be easily not-known and will
> >> promptly vanish.  [On the other hand, ]While the mass is considered
> >> important, it will continue in existence and the being will continue
> >> to know it - even though trying desperately to not-know it.
> >>
> >> To try and vanish by means of force a mass while still holding the
> >> consideration that it is important is thus the height of stupidity
> >> and can only lead to frustration and failure.
> >>
> >> Thus we see that the re-evaluation of past importances is the only
> >> step required to achieve the vanishment of any mental mass.  As a
> >> successful psychotherapy can be defined as a system that brings about
> >> the vanishment of unwanted mental conditions, we see that this data
> >> is vital to our goal.
> >>
> >> The ability to assign and un-assign importances, while native to the
> >> being, will be found to require some attention on the route out."
> >>
> >> For ease of reading I have interjected the phrase found in brackets,
> >> i.e. [...].
> >>
> >> Paul
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