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Leo Swart
Fri, 11 Nov 2011 19:57:49 -0800

 >Well, yes and no to this, IMHO.

 >By doing what is suggested by Dennis here is really to counter one  
earlier postulate with a later one. So I don't think it is the best  
 >approach to this sort of thing. It would be better to expose the  
original postulate and then recognize it for what it was.

That's what TimeBreaking is, "expose the original postulate and then  
recognize it for what is was".

My take is that one is not counter postulating when one does TROM.   
Counter postulating or taking one's own or someone else's postulates  
as an overt or a motivator and then coming up with a new postulate  
based on the overt/motivator assessment is countering or  
paralleling.  That is what everyone has been doing all along.  It is  
getting into a games condition and keeping it there forever.

What I see in using TROM is that one is evaluating a postulate on the  
basis of its significance and usefulness and deciding whether or not  
to continue using it in present time or discarding it.  Let's take  
the postulate to find and have the best cave of all caves.  I hope we  
have all gone beyond that (humor).  So that postulate is no longer  
being used and has been replaced by having a nice home to live in.   
It was not countered.  One has a new postulate which they are now  
operating and acting with.  The old postulate is just not being put  
into action in present time anymore.

This is the beauty of TimeBreaking.  One compares an old (then) scene  
with a new scene and the necessity of continuing to employ the old  
postulate for that old scene in present time is seen for the  
irrationality that it is for 'now'.  So it just isn't employed  
anymore.  What has happened is that the old postulate is now  
relegated to memory and no longer held as a MUST in the mind just  
because one sees a mountain or what they may perceive as a beautiful  
cave women or whatever that stimulator to action is.

In other words, the postulate still remains .... 'I remember fighting  
over having the best cave' ... but it is no longer an action one  
takes up for those caveman actions have been removed from the mind as  
an involuntary reason to take specific action when one perceives  
certain specific re-stimulators.

This is the reason one needs to be a CCH completion to do TROM.  One  
needs to be in PT, in command of things in PT and not the involuntary  
effect of fighting battles from ages ago.  Then one can pull up those  
things that have involuntary command over one, TimeBreak them and  
go .... 'Oh my God, I was doing that so that I would have dinosaur  
soup for tonight'.  Actually you may not get that kind of a re-action  
for an old postulate.  You may just get .... Ho Hum, yawn (no  
involuntary reaction from whatever that was anymore, I ain't there no  
more and probably never will be there again (useless old postulate)).

As a reference, the cycle is .... consideration-postulate-ARC.  If  
one never takes the postulate to ARC, they are not employing it and  
putting it into action and it just sits there, wherever (just a  
memory).  ARC is also another description for something/anything in  
the MEST Universe and therefore what the MEST Universe is comprised  
of.  That's one of the secrets to postulates, they can just sit there  
and do nothing.  I'm sure everyone here has more than once  
experienced the ... how come that didn't vanish, I put a postulate  
there, my postulates don't work ... ?????????

With TROM one is on the path to knowing how to make postulates work.   
More so than Scn.

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