The following message is relayed to you by  trom@lists.newciv.org
I am on 1A and had this phenomenal happening. I completely blew 1A away.

I am no longer the effect of others postulates of 'Must be Known'. I am fully aware that I can look at other's postulates and know what they are and on my own choose to follow or not follow them, strictly on my own decision. As the winds of other's postulates blow to and fro, I can ignore them, inspect them, admire and be entertained by them, choose to be blown by their wind or not, contribute or not. I can choose to use their wind to aid myself for my own endeavors. I don't have to change their postulates nor their intentions if I don't want to, don't decide to for what ever my reasons may be.

I can see now that I took Level 4 well beyond where Dennis intended for Level 4 to go. Because of being thorough and expanding my Level 4 to encompass not only handling the involuntary reactions from those overwhelms which still had some command value over me, I took Level 4 to the level of .... why do I even get overwhelmed, what is an overwhelm. Gaining those understandings has supported me well indeed as I exercised 1A of Level 5.

It will be very interesting to see how the rest of Level 5 proceeds. I am more and more solely in command of my environ and self, my Universe.

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