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On Nov 21, 2011, at 1:04 AM, Paul Tipon wrote:

Hi Leo,

I am responding to you request shown directly below.

You see a really thorough end penomena in running an incident or "blowing it" or whatever you want to call it, let's say Dealing with a past incident, would include: (a) full erasure of the charge locked up by the incident, (b) full perception and realization of all of the significances contained in and resulting from the incident, (c) the ability to fully pervade the actual considered time and space in which the incident occurred, and (d) a full recovery of all of the beingness, activity level and reach that the person had prior to the incident.

TROM achieves (a) pretty well. But what about the rest? I don't find these here.

Your comments and advice would be welcome.


(c) the ability to fully pervade the actual considered time and space in which the incident occurred.

Yes, the ability to fully pervade the actual considered time and space in which an incident occurred is a natural ability of Theta. Dennis talks about this in Level 3. This immediately brings me to the question, what Level you are on?

On Level 3, Dennis advises and promotes that one ... " Go take a walk through these scenes. Find a scene with a bus in it; get on the bus and see where it takes you. You’ll be amazed! Each scene is a complete universe at that moment in time. It's all there - if you care to take a look."

In the following paragraph, Dennis states ..." During this Level or the subsequent ones, you’ll find yourself occupying a viewpoint exterior to your body in present time; you’ll also find yourself occupying exterior viewpoints to the ones you occupied at the time during the past scenes. All this is quite normal. A being is natively capable of occupying any viewpoint he so desires in any scene, whether ‘then’ or ‘now’. This ability is returning to you. Very soon you’ll be continuously operating your body in PT from a viewpoint exterior to it - simply because it’s more comfortable and natural to do so. (Any you’ll do this despite the fact that science has conclusively proven that the ‘ego’ is nothing more than a figment of the brain!)"

There, that is the reference. I can attest to having done all of the above while I was doing Level 3. The major point is that one be able to occupy [have] viewpoints. In this case viewpoints other than that which one had during the time of the scene/event itself. This is the starting point to also achieving being exterior and therefore having exterior viewpoints.

I can work with you on this if you wish. Either email me personally or thru TROM.

The Best on your TROMming, Paul

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