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Hi Colleen

That's a great response from you which I quote below. Thanks for that. It made me think more.

His [Ron's] "Basic Operating Theory" was that "Considerations take rank over the
mechanics of space, energy, and time and that these mechanics are the
product of agreed upon considerations which life mutually holds." And he
went on to say that the mechanics have become an inverted importance.


In order to take this further, let me get more technical. The mechanics are be, do and have in this MEST Universe. From one's standard modus operandi, when one cannot be an infinite amount of beingnesses, one cannot do an infinite amount of actions and of course when there are certain things that one cannot have, those mechanics limit one's be, do, have. Those mechanics are easily found stored away in one's mind. They are stored away there for just that opportune moment to be thrown into play. Obviously they limit one when thrown into play and another can observe that mechanics have now taken rank over considerations. These are the kind of mechanics that say you have: no whole track, no prior lives, beingnesses, doingnesses and havingnesses. Wow! You are only having this one life and a vary narrow and meager one it is too.

What TROM does is eliminate those compulsory/involuntary mechanics that one has. Essentially you are doing that for yourself by doing TimeBreaking. Thoroughly TimeBroken, one is left with the only tool that one inherently has to create life and that is to consider and proceed from there.

Yes, Life must be created. Life does not create itself although many proceed down life as though they were a buoy upon the ocean through time, strictly mechanically and reactionarily with only the ability to be the effect.

This brings up another point of what TROM is accomplishing. Very simply, TimeBreaking alleviates the automaticities of be, do and have and Repair of Importances makes one use his powers and abilities of consideration.

Do you now have an expanded importance with Repair of Importances? Well then keep on expanding your importances. See how creative and expanded you can get with creating importances. It's really important you know.

Paul, Level 5 in progress
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